October 6th, 2022 | Company news

OrderFlow Release 4.2.8

OrderFlow Release 4.2.8

We’re pleased to announce the release of OrderFlow 4.2.8. This release includes incremental improvements in a number of areas, from stock and lot tracking to shipment batching and returns.

In 4.2.8 we’ve simplified and improved the tracking of warehouse volume utilisation. Following this release, it will be a lot easier to prepare volumetrics reports, that answer questions such as which areas are the most used in terms of volume. Also, volume-based constraints are more accurately and easily applied when selecting candidate locations for stock moves, such as putaways and replenishments.

We’ve added notable features to our shipment batching tools. We’ve extended the ability to bulk print documentation for batched shipments, and also made it possible to apply context-sensitive rules in determining batch sizes, as well as limiting the number of pending pick batches that can be created.

In 4.2.8 we’ve added a basic handheld-based mechanism for adding warehouse returns, and also made it easier to enter product lot information when receiving return lines.

With this release OrderFlow can now validate new product lots when receiving deliveries, helping to avoid unnecessary creation of these lots by error.

We’ve also added an endpoint to the OrderFlow API that allows you to trigger completion of purchase orders from a third-party API.

This release also covers many other areas with smaller changes, with over 40 small feature additions and bug fixes. If you’re an OrderFlow customer you can use log in to see the complete list of changes.