Bespoke WMS Implementations

Pricing & Implementation

Each WMS we provide is unique and customised to meet your exact requirements

OrderFlow Scoping & Pricing

OrderFlow doesn’t just develop software, we work closely with our customers to provide a tailored service that delivers the optimal WMS solution for the environment in which it is being used. We work closely with our customers to understand your business and to ensure OrderFlow continues to evolve to meet your changing needs.

How we work with clients

Our warehouse management systems are modular and are configured to your business. Our aim is to provide you with a WMS solution that meets 100% of your requirements from day one. Our ongoing support then ensures that your OrderFlow service continues to grow and evolve as your business changes.

How OrderFlow pricing works

Each of our systems is customised to the customer’s exact needs. This means that each system is unique, with different build requirements and optional modules. As a result, it is not possible to provide list prices for our systems.  However, we have a tried and tested process for providing customers with detailed specifications and prices to enable them to make informed decisions.

Outline Pricing

The first stage of the process is to meet with you to understand your requirements and to provide you with a demonstration of our test system. This can be done online or preferably onsite so we can see your warehouse and start to gain an understanding of your processes. Once we have an overview of the complexity of your needs we are able to provide you with outline prices and provide you with a copy of our “outline pricing document.” This provides you with an overview of how our pricing works and enables you to check it meets your budget.

Scoping Exercise

To provide you with a perfect WMS solution for your needs and budget, we need to gain a detailed understanding of your requirements, which we achieve by undertaking a Scoping Exercise as outlined above. This takes us about a week to complete and includes around 2 days on-site to meet key members of your team and understand all your processes. This becomes a very consultative two-way process as we will use our experience to provide suggestions to drive efficiencies and automate processes. The final result is a detailed specification document for a WMS that meets your specific needs, including descriptions and flow diagrams of every process. The document also includes timescales and prices to build the system as well as highlighting what input will be required from your staff. The Scoping Exercise is designed to de-risk the process and enable you to make an informed decision. Not only will you get a perfect solution to your needs, you will know the exact specification of what will be delivered, how much it will cost and how long it will take.

Project implementation

Embarking on a major IT project can be a daunting process. WMS implementations need to be managed effectively to ensure they run to schedule and budget.

OrderFlow has extensive experience building Warehouse Management Systems and we have tried and tested processes for implementing new projects. You may have your own methodology for managing the project or you may choose to use our own “Customer Implementation Guide” as a template. The guide breaks down each stage of the project defining clear timelines, the responsibilities of each person and the resources that will be required to meet the deadline.

During the build process, there will be regular communication and update calls between our development team and your project lead. If required, site visits will also be organised to help manage the project. During the build stage, we will provide you with your own test system which will enable you to review the processes as they are configured and provide feedback. It will also provides you with the opportunity start training on the system before the WMS go-live date.

Launch date

On the day the WMS goes live, members of the OrderFlow team will come on-site to make sure that everything is working to your satisfaction. They will review every element of the live systems from goods-in to despatch and take care of any minor adjustments that are needed. They will also make sure that your staff are comfortable using the system and take care of any training needs. Only once you are happy with the system will it be signed off and go live.

Delivering the system is only the start of the partnership as we provide the highest levels of support and development to ensure the WMS continues to meet 100% of your needs.

Find out more about our customised WMS solutions